Arifa Institute of Technology

B.E - Mechanical Engineering


B.E – Mechanical Engineering [4 Years]


Mechanical engineering graduates will have a successful career with excellent leadership and teamwork skills.

Graduates go on to continue their education, conduct research and development, and engage in other creative and innovative endeavours in science, engineering, and technology, as well as other professional careers.

Graduates must be able to apply core technical competency to a variety of engineering problems, as well as have a sense of social awareness.

Graduates are expected to engage in lifelong learning by using contextual technological knowledge for research and value education.


  • The ability to model and analyse components or processes using engineering, basic science, and mathematics principles.
  • The ability to plan and carry out experiments, as well as analyse and interpret data.
  • The ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs while keeping realistic constraints in mind, such as economic, environmental, social, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
  • The ability to work as part of a multidisciplinary team.
  • The ability to recognise, formulate, and solve engineering problems.
  • A grasp of professional and ethical responsibilities.
  • Effective communication skills
  • Broad education is required to comprehend the global, economic, environmental, and societal implications of engineering solutions.
  • The ability to learn for the rest of one's life.
  • A working knowledge of current issues relevant to engineering practise.
  • An understanding of the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools required for engineering practice.
  • The ability to apply engineering, basic science, and mathematics principles to design and realise physical systems, components, or processes.


The ability to work professionally in design and manufacturing systems. A professional ability to work in energy systems